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Case Study: sensational Dorset property gets The Loxone smart home treatment

When we saw this sensational Loxone powered home (installed by Amica) we just had to share it. located in Ferndown, east Dorset, the property was rebuilt from the ground up last year. Over to Loxone for the full story…


The grandeur of the home is immediately evident as you turn off the road into the gravelled drive. walk into the double volume entrance hall and you’ll be welcomed by an interior that has been beautifully decorated. It was crucial both for the architect and the homeowner that the interior was not overshadowed by the smart home technology, and rightly so.

In fact, looking around the home you would be forgiven for not immediately noticing that this is a smart home because of the lack of normal big control panels and banks of switches. As this is a great example of a real smart Home, you’ll start to notice that the intelligence is actually behind the scenes; with Loxone taking care of the lighting, heating, safety and access control without the homeowner or their guests needing to do anything.

When it pertained to building their dream home, the family had two requirements of the home automation; future-proof cabling and a option that would centralise the main aspects of the home, such as the lighting and heating.

It was crucial that this technique to automation was already at the fore when the family started working with their architect; Chewton Bespoke Homes. The architect works with Loxone Gold Partner, Amica, to take care of the smart home planning on some of their builds. The family appreciated how having smart home experts on-hand indicated they could already envisage throughout the planning stages what lighting and other functionality they would have on a room by room basis.

Another crucial consideration for this family was the ability to control all of the lights in the house and have an introduction of what was on, no matter whether they are at home or on holiday.

The family have had some time to clear up in so we caught up with them and Ben from Amica to find out about some of their much-loved functions and their experience of ensuring their dream home was a smart home…

The Day Space

The main smart home feature in this home is obvious in the large day space area – an immense open plan area on the ground floor, leading off the entrance hall through double doors ahead of you. There you’ll find the entertaining heart of the home. A beautifully set up seating area with a side-by-side fireplace and flat screen TV adorning a feature wall; a 12-seater dining table and drinks sideboard; flanked by a double volume kitchen with solid clean lines, and a robust island with three modern metallic cut-out patterned pendant lights hanging above.

This day space area has natural light aplenty thanks to an variety of windows, skylights and two double glass doors opening up onto a wrap-around patio and immaculate lawn.

All things bright and Beautiful

Lighting was the main aspect of the home that the family wanted to be intelligently automated, as well as to be able to control remotely. With Loxone, this is exactly what Amica have delivered.

Throughout the home, lights turn on and off automatically, indicating the family doesn’t ever need to worry if they leave a light on. When the family gets home from work or school, the lights start to come on automatically based on the time of day and the light level in the room. If the room has enough natural sunlight then the lights don’t even need to come on at all. This is great for parts of the home such as the day space, where natural light can flood in on a sunny day. Of course, after dusk or if it is an overcast day, then the lights will turn on with motion to make sure the room is adequately lit.

The lady of the house is particularly pleased with the ability to see, at a glance, which lights are on in the house using the Loxone smart home app – wherever in the world she may be.

With Loxone, each room has various lighting moods to suit different occasions, making use of different light levels, circuits and potentially colours. In the day space, there is an entertaining lighting mood which can be set with a tap on one of the Touch switches located around the room.

“Being able to tap a few times on the switch and select a lighting mood that suits the environment is always a winner. When we are entertaining guests we can tap the switch a few times and set the lights to a beautiful entertaining mood which tends to go down well with our guests! They are shocked and surprised at how easily the system can be controlled and how lots of different lights can be combined to create so lots of different atmospheres.”

The smart lighting in this home also adjusts the level of light based on time. For example, when it’s 3am and someone needs to use the shower room or a trip to the kitchen, the lights turn on at an appeasingly low level or only one lighting circuit turns på slik at det er akkurat nok lys til å finne en vei rundt, men ikke så mye som å blende dem eller vekke noen andre.

Ting varmes opp

Måten vi samhandler med hjemmet vårt endres til det bedre når vi bor med hjemmeautomatisering. Det er så mange oppgaver som et Loxone -system bare tar seg av for oss. I dette smarte hjemmet er en bestemt funksjon som du sannsynligvis aldri trenger å samhandle med, takket være det intelligente automatiseringsnivået som skjer bak kulissene, den sonede smarte oppvarmingen … borte er dagene med å måtte fikle med varmekontrollene som som Et Loxone -system lærer regelmessig og passer ganske enkelt etter seg selv. Må familien få gjester til å holde seg over, kan romtemperaturen lett justeres.

Det er et annet aspekt ved den smarte oppvarmingen i dette hjemmet som faktisk er en av Bens høyt elskede funksjoner:

“Selv om dusjrommet allerede kan være flott og varmt fra bygningene suveren installasjon, eller en sjarmerende sommerdags sol; Du kan fremdeles ha varme, tørre håndklær når du kommer ut av dusjen – selv om den sonede oppvarmingen ikke har noen grunn til å være på. Det er takket være håndkleskinnen Forbedringsfunksjonen som bare bytter håndkleskinner på i 20 minutter av gangen. Takket være måten Loxone kontrollerer varmesystemet, kan kjelen varme opp et håndklradiator opp på kort tid, i det hele tatt, mye raskere enn en elektrisk håndkleskinne. Vi brukte også fuktighetssensoren for å aktivere gulvvarme- og avtrekksvifte for å tørke rommet ut hvis fuktigheten bygger seg opp – som også har [vist seg å være] en flott funksjon for familien (igjen noe som fungerer bra i bakgrunnen uten blir lagt merke til). ”

Varmesystemet er sonet, noe som indikerer at energi ikke er tapt oppvarming av alle rommene samtidig. Hvis familien nyter et filmbilde i salongen ovenpå før den legger seg, er det ingen mening å varme opp det større resepsjonsområdet nede på samme tid. Selvfølgelig styres den intelligente separasjonen av varmesoner av Loxone – automatisk. Oppvarmingen for hvert rom går til sin egen plan og skreddersydd temperatur. Temperaturen i hvert rom blir lest av berøringsbryterne, noe som indikerer at det ikke er behov for separate temperatursensorer – en annen flott måte som teknologien ikke distraherer fra interiøret.

Ikke alles liv går imidlertid til en beste plan, og et Loxone -smarthus vet dette. Hvis familien kommer hjem tidligere enn forventet, eller hvis de underholder gjester og bevegelse fremdeles blir oppdaget på det tidspunktet en varmeplan er indikert for å avslutte, vil hjemmet sørge for at de aktuelle rommene når og opprettholder en behagelig temperatur. Alt dette gjøres uten at noen trenger å justere en termostat eller rekkevidde for en app.


Med et trippelklikk på sengen berører hele hjemmet å legge seg i seng når ‘nattmodus’ aktiveres; Med alle lys som ikke kreves å slå seg av og til og med bevæpne nede rom for sikkerhet. Alle varmesoner som fremdeles søker planen, vil ende tidlig for å ikke kaste bort energi og penger.

Garasje og port

Da prosjektet nærmet seg ferdigstillelse, ble kontrollen av porten og garasjeporten lagt til Loxone -systemet. Dette gir ikke bare familien muligheten til å åpne og lukke disse fra Loxone Smart Home -appen, men viser dem også om garasjen er åpen eller ikke – uansett om de er i sengen eller på ferie.

Brytere og sensorer

Darren (arkitekten) og Ben var begge opptatt av å sørge for at utformingen av hjemmet ikke ble kompromittert av noen intelligent teknologi som gikk inn; Og det var det ikke. Brytere og sensorer ble plassert i beregnede områder for å tillate sømløs kontroll over systemet, men heller ikke ha noen negativ innvirkning på hjemmets design. For this, the multifaceted Loxone Touch was the best fit.

Smart Garden

As future-proofing their home was a requirement of this family during the planning stage, Amica made a decision to install one additional Loxone component during the build to make sure that when the family are ready to add smart home functionality to the garden, such as smart lighting, then there is the option to do so without hassle.

Set over three floors, this exceptional home has been made even a lot more exceptional thanks to the way that Loxone has been used to intelligently automate the lighting, heating, safety and access control. The healthy working relationship between architects who understand the value of including home automation considerations at the planning stage and a professional smart home installation company such as Amica is obvious in the meticulously finished product.

Ferndown is a real smart home where so lots of aspects of the home are simply taken care of behind the scenes, making life simpler and making being in this dream home that much a lot more enjoyable.

I love being a Loxone partner and installing their products. It keeps me at the forefront of the industry and I’m always busy with new and exciting projects. as for the quality of theLoxone -enheter, jeg kan ikke utsette det som håndverk og teknologi under er uten sidestykke.

Ben Tozer

Regissør, Amica

Gratulerer til Ben og resten av teamet hans på Amica med å ta i bruk dette eksepsjonelle smarthuset. Du kan finne ut mye mer om Amica og deres reise til å være en gullpartner ved å klikke nedenfor.

Gjengitt fra originalt blogginnlegg med god autorisasjon av Loxone / Image Credit Chewton Bespoke Homes / Amica.
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